IEEE Information
Welcome to H. Joel Trussell’s IEEE Information page
link to timeline of PSPB EIC Selection 2018 Timeline_EIC_Selection
This page describes the events from 4/20/18 when I sent the nominations to the N&A Committee with my evaluations. The last entries in the timeline include the decisions of the IEEE Presidents and my final comments to them 1/7/19.
letter to N&A Committee 7/3/18 EIC_selection_Process_2018
After the June PSPB meeting, I sent the above letter to the N&A Committee, with a request that they forward it to the entire PSPB. This requests an online discussion of the EIC process. In retrospect, see timeline, I should have sent the request to the PSPB Chair and Gordon MacPherson.
letter to Document Working Group 7/16/18 PSPB_opsmanual_questions
This document contains my questions about the EIC Process written in the Opsmanual and indicating the problems I saw with the N&A Committee’s failure to follow the written procedure.
10/8/18 copy of history of EIC selection process requested by PSPB Chair PSPB NA Ed Bd Process 180919
10/8/18 I pointed out several inaccuracies in the description, annotated in PSPB NA Ed Bd Process 180919_hjt_notes
11/20/18 I summarized the events since 11/2/18, when I first emailed the IEEE Presidents, and emailed the summary to them Complaint_PSPB_mtg
PSPB Operations Manual February 2018 PSPB_opsmanual
1/7/19 Final Email to Jose Moura, IEEE President Final comments_ EiC of IEEE Proceedings